Return on invested capital (public works contracts)
Since it is impossible for the State to carry out all its activities on its own, to achieve this it resorts to contracting with individuals, thus carrying out bidding or award procedures, and subsequently formalizing a contract of a public nature, which generates rights and obligations for both parts, which means that, initially, individuals carry out actions and invest capital in order to comply with the agreement.
However, frequently and due to various circumstances, the compensation to which they are entitled is not received, which results in the patrimonial affectation to the natural or legal person. Therefore, it is necessary that when this situation is updated, individuals promptly request the legal means to receive the agreed compensation, financial expenses and, where appropriate, compensation for that fact.
Secretary of Public Works
Promotion of means of defense
Dissent appeal
Contentious-administrative trial (local and federal)
Amparo trial (indirect and direct)
Acts that can be challenged
Resolution that denies the payment of the debt or the omission in responding to the petition raised (negative ficta)
Early termination of contract
Bidding procedure